Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lake Mitchell, Best Yet

Tournament number 3 of the year and I finally have one to talk about. It was a long shot of being the tournament of a lifetime, but it was definately my favorite one yet.

It started with a trip up on friday with good friend, David Roland, who also fishes in the club. With numerous wrong turns and missed exits we definately had an experience! We stopped at Bass Pro Shops in Prattville, AL to spend some money and talk with Elite Pro Gerald Swindle and caught a couple minutes of Boyd Duckett's seminar.
Now to talk about the lake. Lake Mitchell; Heard alot of good things about this lake, but I myself wouldn't see it until blast off. Actually, I didn't even see it then because of the fog. I just idled around blindly and pulled up to and island, so I decided that since it's all I can see, I'll start here. I had a KVD 1.5 tied on, so i started with it. The fift cast of the morning yielded my biggest fish of the day, a 3 pounder. Once the fog lifted I realized I was nowhere near where I thought I was, so I cranked up and made a run. While kiling time working my way up the lake I came across a point. Didn't know it then but it was perfect. It was a little bitty creek mouth with a rocky point on one side that had a little brush pile at the tip, and the other side had an old abandoned boat ramp and a little dock. I caught a little spot off of the boat ramp while the current was on, and had a couple more bites that didn't hook up then I moved on. I ran all around, but that point lingered in my mind. By lunch, I had no more fish than what I had caught that morning, so I motored back to that point. I got there to find the current was turned off, and I saw alot of shad. The shad helped me to decide to camp out on the creek mouth the rest of the day. I had learned that they were nolonger on that old boat ramp. Wit the current off, they had moved to the end of that point, right in that brush pile. I was getting tapped, and kept switching colors trying to get them to eat it. Then something happened. Somebody had stirred up some mud on up that creek, and I saw it slowly working out onto that point. Once that stain hit that point, I caught one. after that, they were ON! Every cast I was landing a keeper spot, slowly dragging a shaky head with a Bass Striker Lures Stealth Worm in red bug color right over that point. I had filed out my first ever limit in a tournament, and they just kept on coming. They were far from magnum sized, but once I got to the weigh in I found out no one found the magnum spots, except the one fish that won big fish pot that weighed about 3 and a half. The 7.08 lbs I weighed in landed me the 6th biggest bag of our club tournament, and one heck of a time on an AWESOME lake.

This tournament taught me alot on reading small changes in conditions. the current being turned off and that stain rolling in changed the position and activity of those fish, and I was able to figure that out and sit on 'em. Just one more notch in my "experience" board!